





北京现代 瑞纳


3,all max在iherb怎么那么便宜

我搜的allmax GOLD,没便宜啊,在iherb上买只是买个放心,价格比X宝X猫贵一点点,你搜的估计不是一个型号的~结账输入RFH025可免5刀~
你好!iherb都是厂家直供的 所以是有优势的仅代表个人观点,不喜勿喷,谢谢。

all max在iherb怎么那么便宜


看上去像是一个序列图片!能具体一点吗?gold黄金或金色01是序列编号tga(Tagged Graphic)tga是True Vision公司为其显示卡开发的一种图像文件格式,创建时间较早,最高色彩数可达32位,其中包括8位Alpha通道用于显示实况电视。该格式已经被广泛应用于PC机的各个领域,而且该格式文件使得Windows与3DS相互交换图像文件成为可能。你可以先在3DS中生成色彩丰富的*.tga文件,然后在Windows中利用PhotoShop、Freeherd、Painter等应用软件来进行修改和渲染。
不明白啊 = =!


你的代码不正确 代码格式说明: 首先应该知道的一点, CM里输入数字的时候,一般都可以按□在16进制和10进制数字显示之间切换 锁定的使用: 只要某行代码属性是非锁定,则该行代码不会执行. 当前行是D码或者E码行非锁定的话,就跳过后续n行. 指针6码行非锁定的话,则跳过若干行(具体看6码书写规则). 字节类型的选择: CW码因为字节数根据金手指代码语法即可判断,所以CW码行的字节类型选自动即可. CM码,则根据自己要求选择,一般自动也可以满足要求. 像这样 _L 0x603EA4F4 0x00000000 _L 0x00010002 0x00000002


奶粉的一段二段三段是婴幼儿奶粉的分类,不同月段的宝宝要喝不同段的奶粉,一般高培奶粉是0-6个月为1段,6-12个月为2段,1-3岁是3段,但也有的奶粉生产商有细微的不同,但是大致如此。高培品牌诞生于纯天然的新西兰,被喻为地球上“最后的一块绿洲”,以纯净无污染的天然环境享誉世界。打造成为全球婴幼儿成长专家的高培携手百年乳企与国际权威,致力于婴幼儿食品的开发与生产,倾力打造婴幼儿营养新概念。 新西兰高培GOLDMAX健康食品有限公司,总部设于奥克兰市,是一家专注于婴幼儿食品研发、生产与销售的跨国公司。新西兰高培采用新西兰无污染的纯天然优质原料,凭借国际领先的尖端科技工艺技术,联合澳洲、新西兰经验丰富的专业团队,研发高培系列婴童产品,通过新西兰国家实验室及SGS等多家具有世界权威的第三方检测机构的检测,确保高培系列产品的安全高端品质。
奶粉的一段二段三段是婴幼儿奶粉的分类,不同月段的宝宝要喝不同段的奶粉,一般高培奶粉是0-6个月为1段,6-12个月为2段,1-3岁是3段,但也有的奶粉生产商有细微的不同,但是大致如此。高培品牌诞生于纯天然的新西兰,被喻为地球上“最后的一块绿洲”,以纯净无污染的天然环境享誉世界。打造成为全球婴幼儿成长专家的高培携手百年乳企与国际权威,致力于婴幼儿食品的开发与生产,倾力打造婴幼儿营养新概念。 新西兰高培GOLDMAX健康食品有限公司,总部设于奥克兰市,是一家专注于婴幼儿食品研发、生产与销售的跨国公司。新西兰高培采用新西兰无污染的纯天然优质原料,凭借国际领先的尖端科技工艺技术,联合澳洲、新西兰经验丰富的专业团队,研发高培系列婴童产品,通过新西兰国家实验室及SGS等多家具有世界权威的第三方检测机构的检测,确保高培系列产品的安全高端品质。
高培的360 3段的奶粉是适合1岁以上宝宝吃的,比较清淡,不容易上火的
不了解 这个奶粉还挺好 身边有个朋友的宝就是吃的这个奶粉 看着还不错 不过我家宝以前吃这个上火 就没敢继续吃 现在吃的是国际妈咪直邮的荷兰牛栏奶粉也挺好 近似母乳也不上火 百年历史的品牌了


你生成的*.dsres文件路径是否跟原来的路径相同,你用tank viewer验收过没。举个例子吧,比如你解压的MOD的路径是world\contentdb\templates\interactive\GAS文件。到你修改后再用Tankcreator打包成*.dsres文件,就应该建立world\world\contentdb\templates\interactive\GAS文件,的文件夹路径。这样生成的*.dsres文件,就跟原来的路径相同,也是world\contentdb\templates\interactive\GAS文件,这样的*.dsres文件才能用。如果这都不行,就是你把代码改错了。//////////////////////////////////// Crafted Items - Act One (Normal) WEAPONS////////////这是开头的必要代码,是英文,翻译过来是:精心设计项目-法一(正常)武器一共有三个这种的开头,分别代表武器、盔甲、魔法饰品Crafted Items - Act One (Normal) ARMOR精心设计项目-法一(正常)盔甲Crafted Items - Act One (Normal) MAGIC!精心设计项目-法一(正常)神奇! 然后到具体是武器,还是盔甲,还是魔法饰品,就看自己喜欢了。现介绍武器吧。[t:template,n:wpn_a1_nor_crafted_1] specializes = base_sword_template; doc = "wpn_a1_nor_crafted_1"; [aspect] model = m_w_misc_lance-evilsoldier-01; [textures] 0 = b_w_misc_lance-evilsoldier-01; } gold_value = 1; //TAG=jmc_fixed// [t:template,n:wpn_a1_nor_crafted_1] use_pcontent_gold_value = false; }“template"是模板的意思,就是你选者要修改的武器在游戏中显示是哪一把。我这把是巨大的剑,其格式必须如此,那大括号是分隔符最重要。gold_value = 1,这是修改这把剑的价格,1在游戏里面是卖3块金币。不要改太高,我试过盖的太高,在游戏中显示时无价,不能买。[attack] damage_min = 77777; damage_max = 88888; } “attack”攻击,就是你这把剑的攻击力[common] screen_name = "~战神之光~"; base_screen_name = "中国制造"; rarity = unique; allow_modifiers = false; is_pcontent_allowed = false; } [gui] equip_requirements = melee:#item_level - 8.0; inventory_icon = b_gui_ig_i_w_msc_lance-evilsoldier-01; inventory_width = 2; inventory_height =4; item_level = 1; }这里中文那里可以修改,就是在游戏中显示出来的,只有简体版可以显示中文,该城英语也没问题,有些你们应该看得懂其实是英文。[magic] [enchantments] [*] //增加智力 alteration = alter_intelligence; value = 250; description = "持剑者增加250点的智力"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; }也是一样中文处是描述,value = 250,其数值可以随意修改,不要改得太夸张[*] //增加敏捷 alteration = alter_dexterity; value = 250; description = "持剑者增加250点的敏捷"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; }[*] //增加力量 alteration = alter_strength; value = 500; description = "增加500点的力量"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; custom_effect = "stat_strength"; // must be unique to effect custom_effect_skrit = world\global\enchantments\weapon_enchant.skrit ?weapon_ffx = ffx_spell_str_bonus_sword; }在这“is_single_instance = false;”代码的下面是这把剑的视觉效果代码,就是在游戏中显示红色的光芒,有很多种视觉效果的代码,分别有:custom_effect = "melee_fire"; custom_effect_skrit = world\global\enchantments\weapon_enchant.skrit ?weapon_ffx = ffx_spell_fire_sword &hit_ffx = ffx_spell_fire_sword_hit;火焰效果custom_effect = "melee_lightning"; custom_effect_skrit = world\global\enchantments\weapon_enchant.skrit ?weapon_ffx = ffx_spell_lightning_sword &hit_ffx = ffx_spell_lightning_sword_hit;闪电效果custom_effect = "melee_ice"; custom_effect_skrit = world\global\enchantments\weapon_enchant.skrit ?weapon_ffx = ffx_spell_ice_sword &hit_ffx = ffx_spell_ice_sword_hit;冰冻效果 custom_effect = "melee_damage"; custom_effect_skrit = world\global\enchantments\weapon_enchant.skrit ?weapon_ffx = ffx_spell_damage_bonus_sword &hit_ffx = ffx_spell_damage_bonus_sword_hit;死亡魔法效果 custom_effect = "the_curving_stream"; custom_effect_skrit = world\global\enchantments\weapon_enchant.skrit ?weapon_ffx = ffx_wpn_the_curving_stream;环状湾流还是写完加载的可以元素先吧[*] //增加智力 alteration = alter_intelligence; value = 250; description = "持剑者增加250点的智力"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; } [*] //每次击中恢复魔法 alteration = alter_mana_bonus; value = 700; description = "每次击中敌人恢复700点法力"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; }[*] //增加?%的魔法伤害抗性 alteration = alter_magical_resistance; value = 1.00; description = "敌人魔法伤害100%低档"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; }[*] //物理伤害反射 alteration = alter_reflect_damage; value = 1000; description = "将敌人的物力攻击10倍奉还"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; }[*] //增加最大生命 alteration = alter_max_life; value = 1500; description = "持剑者增加1500点生命"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; }[*] //增加最大魔法 alteration = alter_max_mana; value = 1000; description = "持剑者增加1000点魔法"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; } [*] //每杀一个怪物加经验 alteration = alter_experience_gained; value = 1000; description = "每杀死一个邪恶生物的经验增加10倍"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; }[*] //增加魔法攻击力 alteration = alter_cmagic_damage_percent; value = 500; description = "持剑者使用魔法时威力将提高5倍"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; }[*] //增加物理攻击力 alteration = alter_nmagic_damage_percent; value = 1000; description = "持剑者的物力攻击将提高10倍"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; }[*] //增加魔法物品凋落几率 alteration = alter_magic_find_chance; value = 1000; // Average value 100% description = "持剑者找到带有魔法属性的装备机率提高10倍"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; } [*] //增加近战技能 alteration = ALTER_MELEE_PASSIVE_SKILLS; value = 20; description = "持剑者拥有战神的技能,近战技能加20级"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; }[*] //增加远距技能 alteration = ALTER_RANGED_PASSIVE_SKILLS; value = 20; description = "持剑者拥有猎神的技能,远距技能加20级"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; }[*] //增加战斗魔法技能 alteration = ALTER_COMBAT_MAGIC_PASSIVE_SKILLS; value = 20; description = "持剑者拥有恶魔的技能,战斗魔法加20级"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; }[*] //增加自然魔法技能 alteration = ALTER_NATURE_MAGIC_PASSIVE_SKILLS; value = 20; description = "持剑者拥有女娲的技能,自然魔法加20级"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; }[*] //增加护甲 alteration = alter_armor; value = 2500; description = "增加护甲2500点"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; }[*] //增加生命回复力 alteration = alter_life_recovery_unit; value = 100; description = "增加生命恢复力100%"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; }[*] //增加魔法恢复力 alteration = alter_mana_recovery_unit; value = 100; description = "增加魔法恢复力100%"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; } [*] //增加绝招恢复速度 alteration = alter_power_reload; value = 50000; description = "每一下攻击都能恢复绝招"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; }[*]//增加伤害百分率 alteration = alter_melee_damage_source_percent; value = 2.50; description = "+250% 伤害"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; custom_effect = "melee_skills"; custom_effect_skrit = world\global\enchantments\weapon_enchant.skrit ?weapon_ffx = ffx_spell_skill_bonus_sword; }[*]//每击中奖励生命值 alteration = alter_life_bonus; value = 500; description = "Restores Health Per Hit"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; }[*]//每击中奖励魔法值 { alteration = alter_mana_bonus; value = 500; description = "Restores Mana Per Hit"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; }[*]//冻结敌人机率 { alteration = ALTER_FREEZE_CHANCE; value = 1.00; description = "100% chance to Freeze Enemies"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; }[*]//增加最大损害百分比 { alteration = alter_melee_damage_max; value = 250; description = "+ Max Damage"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; custom_effect = "melee_damage"; custom_effect_skrit = world\global\enchantments\weapon_enchant.skrit ?weapon_ffx = ffx_spell_damage_bonus_sword; } [*]//最少伤害 { alteration = alter_melee_damage_min; value = 77777; description = "+ Min Damage"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; }[*]//最大伤害 { alteration = alter_melee_damage_max; value = 88888; description = "+ Max Damage"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; }[*]//生命窃取 { alteration = alter_life_steal; value = 100; description = "% Health Steal"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; } [*]//火焰伤害 { alteration = alter_custom_damage_fire; value = 800; max_value = 1500; description = "Adds to Fire Damage"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true;} [*]//闪电伤害 { alteration = alter_custom_damage_lightning; value = 800; max_value = 1500; description = "Adds to Lightning Damage"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; } [*]//死亡魔法伤害 { alteration = alter_custom_damage_death; value = 800; max_value = 1500; description = "Adds to Death Damage"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; }[*]//冰冻伤害 { alteration = alter_custom_damage_ice; value = 800; max_value = 1500; description = "Adds to Ice Damage"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; }[*]//闪避机率 { alteration = alter_chance_to_dodge_hit_melee; value = 1.00; description = "+100% 闪避敌人的攻击"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; } [*]//增加攻击范围 { alteration = alter_chance_to_block_ranged_damage; value = 150; description = "+% Chance to Block Ranged Attacks"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; }以上的可以改在任何装备上,不过像攻击的就不要改到盾牌和衣服,还有戒指上。最重要的是自己的实践,讲是不能讲得明白的。试着做一两个MOD就会大有进步了,其实自己修改一个MOD也很容易的。最后祝大家游戏愉快
我刚开始也是不懂怎么打包后来,在网上看了一些老手的指导终于制成了自己修改的mod了,那是兴奋和高兴啊。现我也教教你吧。先用 tank viewer解压想要修改的mod,要全部解压,就会看到有文件夹world\contentdb\templates\interactive\gas文件,当然有的mod有其他的文件夹路径,拟修改后要用tankcreator连文件夹一起打包其路径是:world\world\contentdb\templates\interactive\gas文件这样打包后再用tank viewer查看其路径是否是world\contentdb\templates\interactive\gas文件,原来的路径,如果正确就可以使用了。如果这都不行,那就是你修改的mod代码写错,或是格式不对了。mod制作指南宠物背包页数文件:\world\global\pets\*.gas (pet_settings.gas除外) 注释:各宠物设置脚本[levels] [level_0] scale = 0.5; inventory_pages = 1; // 背包页数 [attack] 金币相关// gold max_party_gold = 9999999; // 最大资金 small_gold_amount = 0; // 显示为小金币的金币数量 medium_gold_amount = 11; // 显示为中型金币的金币数量 large_gold_amount = 101; // 显示为大型金币的金币数量//药水文件:world\contentdb\templates\interactive\ptn_potion.gas 备注:药水模板gold_value = 50; // 药水的价格 value = 1250; // 药水的默认剂量 max_value = 1250; // 药水的最大剂量//肉搏伤害alteration = alter_melee_damage_min;value = 10000;description = "adds 10000 to 50000 weapon damage";duration = #infinite;is_permanent = true;is_single_instance = false;}alteration = alter_melee_damage_max;value = 50000;duration = #infinite;is_permanent = true;is_single_instance = false;}//远程伤害alteration = alter_ranged_damage_min;value = 10000;duration = #infinite;is_permanent = true;is_single_instance = false;}alteration = alter_ranged_damage_max;value = 50000;duration = #infinite;is_permanent = true;is_single_instance = false;}//战斗魔法伤害alteration = alter_cmagic_damage_percent;value = 100;description = "+10000% combat magic damage";duration = #infinite;is_permanent = true;is_single_instance = false;}//自然魔法伤害alteration = alter_nmagic_damage_percent;value = 100;description = "+10000% nature magic damage";duration = #infinite;is_permanent = true;is_single_instance = false;}//魔法抗性alteration = alter_magical_resistance;value = 100;description = "+10000% magic damage resistance";duration = #infinite;is_permanent = true;is_single_instance = false;}//肉搏抗性alteration = alter_melee_resistance;value = 100;description = "+10000% melee resistance";duration = #infinite;is_permanent = true;is_single_instance = false;}//防电alteration = alter_lightning_resistance;value = 100;description = "+10000% lightning resistance";duration = #infinite;is_permanent = true;is_single_instance = false;}//防火alteration = alter_fire_resistance;value = 100;description = "+10000% fire resistance";duration = #infinite;is_permanent = true;is_single_instance = false;}//防死亡alteration = alter_death_resistance;value = 100;description = "+10000 death resistance";duration = #infinite;is_permanent = true;is_single_instance = false;}//放物理alteration = alter_physical_resistance;value = 100;description = "+10000 melee and ranged resistance";duration = #infinite;is_permanent = true;is_single_instance = false;}//放冰alteration = alter_ice_resistance;value = 100;description = "+10000% ice resistance";duration = #infinite;is_permanent = true;is_single_instance = false;}//护甲alteration = alter_armor;value = 50000;description = "+armor"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; } //绝招时间 { alteration = alter_power_reload; value = 100; description = "+10000% power recharge rate"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; } //生命恢复 { alteration = alter_life_recovery_unit; value = 100; description = "+10000% health regeneration"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; } //魔法恢复 { alteration = alter_mana_recovery_unit; value = 100; description = "+10000% mana regeneration"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; } //strength { alteration = alter_strength; value = 10000; description = "+ strength"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; } //intelligence { alteration = alter_intelligence; value = 10000; description = "+ intelligence"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; } //dexterity { alteration = alter_dexterity; value = 10000; description = "+ dexterity"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; } //mf { alteration = alter_magic_find_chance; value = 500000; // average value 10% description = "+% chance to find magic items"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; } //掉钱 { alteration = alter_gold_dropped; value = 1000; description = "+100000% gold dropped"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; } //hp { alteration = alter_max_life; value = 50000; description = "+ health"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; } //mp { alteration = alter_max_mana; value = 50000; description = "+ mana"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; } //exp { alteration = alter_experience_gained; value = 1000; description = "+100000% experience bonus"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; } //下面几个加具体技能的,不建议使用 { alteration = alter_skill_suite; suite = melee_suite_1; value = 20; description = "+ to barricade, toughness, and reinforced armor"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; } { alteration = alter_skill_suite; suite = melee_suite_2; value = 20; description = "+ to fortitude, overbear, and smite"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; } { alteration = alter_skill_suite; suite = melee_suite_3; value = 20; description = "+ to critical strike, dual wield, and alacrity"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; } { alteration = alter_skill_suite; suite = cmagic_suite_1; value = 20; description = "+ to debilitation, grim necromancy, and vampirism"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; } { alteration = alter_skill_suite; suite = cmagic_suite_2; value = 20; description = "+ to brilliance, amplified lightning, and arcing"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; } { alteration = alter_skill_suite; suite = cmagic_suite_3; value = 20; description = "+ to devastation, searing flames, and ignite"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; } { alteration = alter_skill_suite; suite = nmagic_suite_1; value = 20; description = "+ to summon fortitude, summon might, and summon bond"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; } { alteration = alter_skill_suite; suite = nmagic_suite_2; value = 20; description = "+ to aquatic affinity, arctic mastery, and freezing"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; } { alteration = alter_skill_suite; suite = nmagic_suite_3; value = 20; description = "+ to nurturing gift, enveloping embrace, and feral wrath"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; } { alteration = alter_skill_suite; suite = ranged_suite_1; value = 20; description = "+ to critical shot, dodge, and survival"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; } { alteration = alter_skill_suite; suite = ranged_suite_2; value = 20; description = "+ to biting arrow, far shot, and shockwave"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; } { alteration = alter_skill_suite; suite = special_suite_1; value = 20; description = "+ to summon alacrity, and quickened casting"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; } 以上全部经过测试,加载在一个戒指上,其实,每一个是做什么的,在description里已经说得很清楚了。 mod制作指南2 [t:template,n:wpn_a1_nor_crafted_1] { specializes = base_sword_template; doc = "wpn_a1_nor_crafted_1"; [aspect] { model = m_w_misc_lance-evilsoldier-01; [textures] { 0 = b_w_misc_lance-evilsoldier-01; } gold_value = 1; //tag=jmc_fixed// [t:template,n:wpn_a1_nor_crafted_1] use_pcontent_gold_value = false; } [common] { screen_name = "光明圣剑-神之叹息声"; base_screen_name = "randy"; rarity = rare; allow_modifiers = false; is_pcontent_allowed = false; } [gui] { equip_requirements = melee:#item_level - 8.0; inventory_icon = b_gui_ig_i_w_msc_lance-evilsoldier-01; inventory_width = 2; inventory_height =4; item_level = 1; } [magic] { [enchantments] { //增加智力 { alteration = alter_intelligence; value = 15; description = "智慧神的赞颂,增加持剑者15点的智力"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; } //增加力量 { alteration = alter_strength; value = 35; description = 大力神之神力,增加持剑者35点的力量"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; } //增加敏捷 { alteration = alter_dexterity; value = 25; description = "风神之祝福,增加持剑者25点的敏捷"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; } //每次击中恢复魔法 { alteration = alter_mana_bonus; value = 7; description = "水神温柔之怀抱,每次击中敌人恢复7点法力"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; } //增加15%的魔法伤害抗性 { alteration = alter_magical_resistance; value = 80; description = "梦魅神之幻境,敌人魔法伤害有80%被吸收"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; } //物理伤害反射 { alteration = alter_reflect_damage; value = 150; description = "婆萨神之惩罚镜,将敌人的物力攻击增加1.5倍反射回去"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; } //增加最大生命 { alteration = alter_max_life; value = 280; description = "生命神之灵,增加持剑者280点生命"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; } //增加最大魔法 { alteration = alter_max_mana; value = 120; description = "天空真神之赞,增加持剑者120点生命"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; } //每杀一个怪物加经验 { alteration = alter_experience_gained; value = 100; description = "圣光长老之教诲,每杀死一个邪恶生物的经验增加1倍"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; } //增加魔法攻击力 { alteration = alter_cmagic_damage_percent; value = 200; description = "智慧神之光,持剑者使用魔法时威力将提高2倍"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; } //增加物理攻击力 { alteration = alter_nmagic_damage_percent; value = 300; description = "战神之愤怒,持剑者的物力攻击将提高3倍"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; } //增加魔法物品凋落几率 { alteration = alter_magic_find_chance; value = 100; // average value 10% description = "幸运神之眷顾,持剑者找到带有魔法属性的装备机率提高1倍"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; } //增加近战技能 { alteration = alter_melee_passive_skills; value = 15; description = "战神之附身,持剑者拥有战神的技能,近战技能加15级"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; } //增加远距技能 { alteration = alter_ranged_passive_skills; value = 5; description = "影神之附身,持剑者拥有影神的技能,远距技能加15级"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; } //增加战斗魔法技能 { alteration = alter_combat_magic_passive_skills; value = 7; description = "破坏神之附身,持剑者拥有破坏神的技能,战斗魔法加15级"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; } //增加自然魔法技能 { alteration = alter_nature_magic_passive_skills; value = 13; description = "自然神之附身,持剑者拥有自然神的技能,自然魔法加15级"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; } //增加护甲 { alteration = alter_armor; value = 120; description = "召唤众神,以光明的名义,增加护甲120点"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; } //增加生命回复力 { alteration = alter_life_recovery_unit; value = 20; description = "以光明的力量,太阳的灵气,增加生命恢复力20%"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; } //增加魔法恢复力 { alteration = alter_mana_recovery_unit; value = 10; description = "以黑暗的神秘,月亮的灵气,增加魔法恢复力10%"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; } //增加绝招恢复速度 { alteration = alter_power_reload; value = 40000; description = "以风、雷、火、冰、自然乃至万物的力量攻击敌人"; duration = #infinite; is_permanent = true; is_single_instance = false; }